Time & Location
Jun 27, 2020, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Zoom Session
About the event
Book clubs are very needful for kids and even adults. It serves as a haven free from the chaos, stereotypes, and misconceptions in the world. It’s an avenue for self-expression without reproach and kids need these, especially young girls. They need to know that their questions, their opinions and views are valid and they need to learn this as they are still really young. These and lots more are reasons why Beautiful I Am has set up its very own book club, called the Little Beauty’s Book Club. Little Beauty’ Book Club is deeply rooted in the foundation of eloquence, public speaking, and confidence while giving these girls positive images about their diverse body types. This program, like many others is established by Beautiful I Am, is aimed at empowering young girl’s and women to achieve the impossible. It’s all about motivation, inspiration, and perspectives in a place of comfort to aid their innovation and intuition as well.